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Newsletter Terms Of Use

The newsletter is a service of the RICOH national subsidiary or its official representatives. In the case there would be no existing national service, you will receive the newsletter in English via RICOH IMAGING DEUTSCHLAND GmbH.

Your personal data is exclusively used by RICOH IMAGING DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, its subsidiary, its legal representative, or a third mandatory for the sending of the newsletter. The transfer of the data to another entity, not involved in the newsletter production, is rejected. RICOH guarantees the protection of your personal data against unauthorized accesses or abuses.

The newsletter is a service of the RICOH or its official representatives. In the case there would be no existing national service, you will receive the newsletter in English via Pentax Europe GmbH.

Your personal data is exclusively used by RICOH IMAGING DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, its subsidiaries and legal representatives for the sending of the newsletter. Your details would not be sent to any third party outside RICOH or her subsidiaries. RICOH guarantees the protection of your personal data against unauthorized accesses or abuses.